When Should I Hold a Drug Intervention for My Child?

When Should I Hold a Drug Intervention for My Child?

Someone experiencing substance abuse often doesn’t realize they have an addiction or how impactful the effects are on themselves and their friends and family. In fact, of the nearly 21 million Americans who have at least one addiction, only 10% receive treatment. An intervention provides a focused approach to discussing the situation openly and can be the first step on the road to recovery. Learn the signs so you know when to hold a drug intervention for your child.

What Exactly Is a Drug Intervention?

Risk factors like trauma, early childhood use, and adverse childhood experiences can all lead to a substance abuse addiction for your child down the road. A drug intervention is an opportunity for friends and family to gather with someone dealing with substance abuse addiction and have an open discussion about their concerns for the person’s health and safety. While there is insufficient evidence to prove their efficacy, interventions can be a powerful way to transition people quickly and safely to treatment, thus beginning their road to recovery. A drug intervention:

  • Allows the person to realize the threat their substance abuse has become
  • Alerts the person of their medical disorder
  • Offers instant treatment as an option
  • Outlines the changes in their home and work life should they refuse to seek help

A drug intervention can help a person get past their denial and take steps to improve their situation before their situation escalates.

5 Signs Indicating When to Hold a Drug Intervention

A person can hide a substance abuse addiction for a while before it becomes apparent to outsiders that there’s a problem. You’ll know it’s time to hold a drug intervention for your child when you see any of the following five signs.

1. Denial

If you see your child struggling with their work, their relationships, and their health but they refuse to acknowledge the issue, it may be time to schedule an intervention. People suffering from addiction often feel they are in control when in actuality they’ve lost the willpower to effectively manage their addiction. Despite what they tell you, they are not fine and they need help realizing the far-reaching impact of their addiction.

2. Refusal of Treatment

Perhaps you’ve already offered treatment options to help your child on the road to recovery, but they’ve refused help. Maybe they realize there’s a problem and simply don’t want to take the next step, or maybe they don’t see their addiction as a serious problem. Either way, if they continually reject opportunities to overcome their addiction, intervention can be the catalyst that encourages them to finally take the next steps toward a healthier life.

3. Dangerous Behavior

When someone experiencing substance abuse addiction begins taking risks and exhibiting dangerous behavior, intervention may be the next step. Destructive behavior that endangers themselves and others, like driving under the influence or overdosing on drugs, can have serious (and often fatal) consequences. An intervention can help them realize the significance of their actions and show them people care about their health and safety.

4. Lies and Deceit

Addiction is a powerful illness that can impair judgment and affect decision-making. People with a substance abuse addiction become focused on obtaining more drugs. They’ll often do anything they can to continue their habit, from hiding and stealing to cheating and lying. This kind of behavior is a strong indicator that your child is no longer able to control their drug use. An intervention can help them break free of this controlling desire and get the help they need.

5. Constant Health Issues

Drug use has lasting effects on the human body, from organ damage and hair loss to tooth decay and brain activity. When your loved one has continual health issues signaling a gradual decline due to drug use, it’s time to intervene. A person faced with their mortality often realizes the significance of their addiction and accepts an opportunity to seek help.

Schedule an Intervention

Ethos Recovery provides people in recovery (and their family members) the support they need for long-term sobriety. Our all-male community in recovery provides accountability and camaraderie for residents and helpful resources for parents to promote the best chances of success.

Contact us today to schedule an assessment for your child.